31 Horror Movies In 31 Days: Day 16

Welcome readers to Day 16 of Braindead Network’s 31 Horror Movies In 31 Days special! Each day through the month of October, we will be presenting a favorite horror movie by one of our staffers. The staffers will provide a summary as to why they like the film being presented. You will see horror classics and rarities make this list.

Today, Chantel Korhonen presents a movie that is getting the remake treatment next year!

Day 16: Candyman

By Chantel Korhonen


I absolutely love Candyman for its story line. Based around an urban legend; Tony Todd does an amazing job at portraying a sadistic serial killer with a hook for a hand. He appears in the mirror after saying his name 5 times and haunts you until he successfully kills you. Alone Tony Todd’s acting makes this a favorite of mine, he is so terrifying and even goes as far as to put real bees in his mouth! Now that’s commitment! Virginia Madsen is one of my favorite actresses and is also amazing in her role as Helen. She captures what it would feel like to be in the presence of such a monster and blows me away every time I watch it. The story continues into a second movie but the original will forever be my favorite.




Chantel Korhonen has been with Braindead Network since August 2019. For inquiries please contact her via Instagram @monster.mua


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