31 Horror Movies In 31 Days: Day 4

Welcome readers to Day 4 of Braindead Network’s 31 Horror Movies In 31 Days special! Each day through the month of October, we will be presenting a favorite horror movie by one of our staffers. The staffers will provide a summary as to why they like the film being presented. You will see horror classics and rarities make this list.

Braindead Network’s Assistant Manager, Chantel Korhonen returns to present her next favorite movie!

Day 4: The Exorcist

By Chantel Korhonen


One of the many reasons I love this movie is the practical effects that were used. It caused so many people to actually get sick and run out of the theater when it was first released back in ’73. I remember the fist time I was allowed to watch it, I could barely watch the screen and had nightmares for weeks. Aside from it being one of the most iconic in horror, it holds a special place for me because it was one of the first movies that inspired me to go to school for makeup and study special effects. The barf scene gets me every time! It’s a terrifying story line and was even more so for me at the time because it being about a young girl. Regan who is played by a young Linda Blair blew me away with her talent to act in such a horrific way. I couldn’t imagine doing what she did and so well! The Exorcist will forever be a favorite of mine based on the story along with the effects and great acting done by the cast!

Exorcist 2



Chantel Korhonen has been with BrainDead Network since August 2019. For inquiries please contact her via Instagram @monster.mua

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